KORG Booth | Superbooth 2019


DIY. After last years super limited development board, KORG presented this year the Nu:Tekt DIY kit. It includes the Multiengine from the prologue and the minilogue xd. So it is possible to use this little box to develop your own oscillators using the logue sdk.

Korg Nu:Tek DIY Kit

This is the dev board from last years Superbooth. It was limited:

Korg Dev Board Superbooth 2018

minilogue xd desktop

OK, i have an minilogue xd with the keyboard. What makes the desktop version interesting for me, is this polychain functionality to chain my xd together with another xd without a keyboard. But I am not really sure if I really need this. Let’s wait for the final price tag. :)

May 9, 2019
🚧 thought drafted
Thursday, May 9, 2019
🌎 published
Thursday, May 9, 2019
🔨 last modified
in love with audio & MIDI since 1999