
This is the place to collection all the series I try to write.

You know how it goes – a million ideas, only 24 hours in a day, and at least six of those reserved for sleeping, eating, and scrolling through cat videos. I’m that guy trying to write articles about everything sound-related: sound processing, sound design, sound-driven animations. If it makes a noise or visually reacts to noise, I want to write about it.

The problem? There’s only one of me, and time management isn’t my strong suit. I’ve got half-finished drafts and a to-do list longer than a Led Zeppelin guitar solo. Every time I sit down to write, new ideas bombard me. I start an article on convolution reverb, but then remember the unfinished piece on sound design for video games.

Despite the chaos, I’m not giving up. Even if it takes forever to finish one article, I’m having fun. After all, who else gets to explore the magic of sound and call it work?

in love with audio & MIDI since 1999